Dominoes Lab


Oh, Dominoes. So fun to play, but you better be careful, otherwise they will all fall down.


For this assignment you will be demonstrating your skills of HTML Creation with JavaScript, by randomly generating and displaying 100 dominoes on the page.


The following requirements must be met in order to complete the assignment successfully:

  1. Download the Dominoes starter files. Inside the starter files will be index.html, style.css and index.js. All the changes will be made to the index.js file. Do NOT change the index.html or style.css files.
  2. Using the template literals, arrays, for loops, and techniques you have learned, create 100 random dominoes and placing inside of the dominoes container (<div class="dominoes" id="dominoes">...</div>) using only JavaScript.
  3. Once completed, submit the index.js file to the Dominoes assignment on Brightspace.

Additional Information

Starter Files

The following outlines the code found in the starter files.

The index.html file

The index.html file will have a dominoes container as well as a single domino to use a blueprint for creating additional dominoes.

The style.css file

The style.css file contains all the necessary styles for the creating and displaying the dominoes as long as the structure of the dominoes is properly created.

The index.js file

The index.js file contain the randomInt() function which should be used to randomly choose the number of dots to display on each domino.

Dominoes Structure

All dominoes must be created inside of the dominoes container.

A single domino has the following structure:

<div class="domino">
  <div class="dots dots-5">
    <div class="dot"></div>
    <div class="dot"></div>
    <div class="dot"></div>
    <div class="dot"></div>
    <div class="dot"></div>
  <div class="dots dots-4">
    <div class="dot"></div>
    <div class="dot"></div>
    <div class="dot"></div>
    <div class="dot"></div>

Each dominoes must have a class of domino.

<div class="domino">...</div>

Each domino also consists of two sections of dots. A section will be given the class dots and a second class that indicates the number of dots for that section using the following naming convention dots-#.

<div class="dots dots-4">...</div>

A dot is created using a class of dot.

<div class="dot"></div>

A <div> with a class of dot must be created for each dot on a domino.

The randomInt() function

The randomInt() function takes two numbers that represent the range from which to choose the random number.

// To choose a number from 1 to 10
const number = randomInt(1, 10)